I Am The Night

Rising from the deep valleys of Kymi in southernmost Finland, I Am The Night plays black metal that is rooted in the classic early 90’s tradition, where walls of guitars and synthesizers raise the forces of darkness to a battle against the heavens and where burning angels light up the night sky.

Formed by Markus Vanhala (Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum), Janne Markkanen (ex-Omnium Gatherum), Okko Solanterä and Walteri Väyrynen (Paradise Lost, Bodom After Midnight), the band’s origins date back to the dark underground rehearsal rooms in Kotka, Finland in the mid-nineties when Vanhala and Markkanen played black metal together, but involvement in other bands grabbed their attention and black metal was put on the backburner for a few decades.

Vanhala – guitar, synth (Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum)
Markkanen – bass (ex- Omnium Gatherum)
Väyrynen – drums (Paradise Lost , Bodom After Midnight)
Solanterä – vocals (Horizon Ignited)

Rowan Rafferty
Managing Director / Agent / Promoter
+358 (0)50 585 7300

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