Medeia 2024 C Valtteri Lahikainen

Medeia is ending their 22-year career with a final show

The messengers of uncompromising live performances, alternative-death metal band MEDEIA is ending their 22-year career with a bang at Olympia-kortteli Tampere on Friday 29.11.2024.
22-year old Medeia has enjoyed their success in Finland as well as abroad. However, the time has come to put the matriarchy to rest. The Tampere show will be the last one of its kind – there will be no surprise shows or tours next summer after this one. One and out!
MEDEIA is releasing their final EP Mother of Lies on 25.10.2024 through Playground Music Finland.
Tickets 25€ / 28€
Presale starts on Wednesday 3.10. 9:00am